Weekly Backup
Learn how the weekly backups available with the Virtual Private Servers work and what data is protected.
Unlike a shared Internet hosting account where the information is backed up by the service provider, if you use a virtual or a dedicated server you'll have to keep manual backups as such a service is not supplied by default. As great as a hosting server might be, there is always a chance that something may go wrong. As an example, you could delete some content by accident or a script-driven application could get corrupted after an update. In the event that you have a backup, you shall not need to bother about this sort of problems since the content can be easily restored. Considering that it may not be quite convenient to do this all of the time on your end, we offer an optional backup service for every one of our server packages and we'll store a copy of your content on a separate hosting server to make certain that it's unharmed no matter what. With the upgrade, you'll be able to work on your web server without having to worry that you may lose any information due to any reason.
Weekly Backup in Dedicated Servers
If you obtain one of our
dedicated web hosting plans and you determine that you require a backup of your content, you can include this service with a few mouse clicks and our system will start keeping copies every week immediately. You'll be able to purchase the upgrade along with the hosting server or at some point later on through your billing CP if you do not need backups from the start. The service shall give you 50 gb of disk space on a separate server and this content can be restored on our end. Though we test out the equipment and the software before we hand over any new dedicated web server, you may never know if some update will not go wrong, so in the event you have valuable information on the server, you'll be better off with this upgrade. Backups can also be found with the Managed Services upgrade, which features a lot of other useful management tasks that we provide to our clients.