There are a number of ways in which you can contact the hosting company whose services you’re using, but the one that you’ll invariably find irrespective of which company you choose is a support ticket system. It’s the least complicated communication channel for many reasons. In case no customer care team representative is available at the moment and they’re all occupied, a telephone call may not be answered, but a ticket will always be received. Moreover, you can copy/paste extensive bits of information without having to worry about spelling errors, and if a particular problem requires more time to be sorted out or a number of replies must be exchanged, all the info will be in one location, so either party can always see the comments written by the other one. The drawback of using tickets to get in touch with your web hosting provider is that they’re usually separate from the web hosting platform, so if you need to supply information or to adhere to guidelines, you’ll have to use no less than two separate accounts and this number may rise if you would like to manage a couple of domain names. On top of that, lots of web hosting companies reply to tickets after a couple of hours, or even once in every twenty four hours, and for you as a customer, this simply means wasted time while awaiting a reply.
Integrated Ticketing System in Website Hosting
Our website hosting plans come with an integrated support ticket system, which is an indivisible part of our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Unlike other analogous tools, Hepsia will enable you to manage everything related to the web hosting service itself in one place – payments, website files, emails, support tickets, etc., eliminating the necessity to log in and out of different admin consoles. If you have any technical or pre-sales questions or any difficulties, you can submit a ticket with just a few clicks without needing to log out of your hosting Control Panel. In the meantime, you may choose a category and our system will present you with a variety of informative articles, which will provide you with more information and which may help you solve any specific issue even before you post a ticket. We guarantee a support ticket response time of no more than sixty minutes, even in case it is a weekend or an official holiday.